
The treasury team consist of professionals with a wealth of experience whose function include optimizing business management and associated risks by developing a series of analytical model which produces sustainable performance. Our process employs an array of proprietary tools, macroeconomic analysis and trading expertise for analysing and identifying value. We believe that diversification is intelligent investing.

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Fixed Income & Interest Rates

Our FI&IR Desk trade actively in the fixed income and money market space by providing intermediary services to various investor groups.

We take advantage of the quality economic and market insights provided by our research team to assist our clients with a plethora of innovative interest rate solutions.

Alternative Investments

We have been able to create a broad range of non-traditional investment strategies and solutions through our alternative Investments desk.

Our solutions are tailored to focus on a full range of asset classes including real estate, commodities and hedge funds.

We believe that these investments may reduce portfolio risk by providing a balance when used to diversify any investment portfolio.

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Over the years we have concentrated our efforts on creating long-term value and building relationships with our clients. Our structure is designed to offer customized financial advisory, capital markets and investment management solutions to our various clients.